The Fundraising Badge

Cranfield Trust is registered with The Fundraising Regulator and we are proud to display The Fundraising Badge.

Find out more about what this means

Make a Donation

As a fundraising charity, we welcome donations of all sizes. Your donation can benefit thousands of charities in the UK. In the last year, we were able to provide support to over 5,000 organisations across all our services. This would not be possible without the support of our donors.

Donate now

Transforming the impact of charities for a better future

We are extremely grateful to all of our supporters for their commitment during this time. Your donations mean that we are able to continue providing our expert services to charities, through the current cost of living crisis and beyond.

Why support us?

We believe that every person experiencing disability, poverty or social exclusion in this country should have timely and reliable access to the support they need. Charities are the unsung heroes of UK society. According to recent research 98% of us will access at least one charitable service in our lifetime. As a nation, we depend on our charities to support us with a range of health and social issues.

That is why we deliver free expert management consultancy, mentoring and guidance to small charities – enabling and empowering them to flourish. Everything we do at Cranfield Trust is to ensure that frontline charities continue to thrive and succeed in delivering and developing vital, life transforming services to those who need them.

How you can help

Whether you are a philanthropic individual, representing a company or are involved with a charitable trust or foundation, there are many ways you can support our work through a financial contribution.

Read about our Impact

Registered Charity No: 800072 | Scottish Charity No: SCO40299 | Company No: 2290789 | Telephone No: 01794 830338
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