Want to learn more about governance? Looking for resources that can help you improve your charity’s governance? This section has everything you’ll need, from a webinar, to governance resources, a free trustee training course and useful guides, sign-posting and tools.
On Demand Webinar
What is charity governance and why does it matter?
Essential viewing for those looking to understand more about what it really means to be a charity trustee, why good charity governance is important, and why it matters to funders and donors.
This webinar covers:
- Governance – what it is and why it matters;
- Risk and why it needs to be managed and how it should be managed;
- Splitting strategic governance from day to day management;
- How to evaluate how well your charity is governed and;
- How to improve your governance and most importantly, let your funders know.
Charity Commission (England and Wales)
The Charity Regulator for England and Wales is the Charity Commission. Find out more about charities and regulation on their website.
Charity Commission England & Wales Website
Office for Scottish Charity Regulator
The regulator for charities in Scotland is OSCR: Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
Managing your charity (England and Wales)
The Charity Commission's guidance on managing your charity.
Charity Governance Code
The Charity Governance Code is a tool to help charities and their trustees develop high standards of governance.
Community Interest Companies (CICs)
Comprehensive information for people who want to form a community interest company (CIC), other stakeholders and those giving professional advice about CICs. Chapter Nine focuses on corporate governance.
Other topics in our resources section may also be of interest to Trustees, especially finance, risk, employment, and fundraising.
Free charity trustee training from Institute of Chartered Accountants In England and Wales
ICAEW’s online training modules provide an overview of charity trustees’ legal and financial responsibilities and their strategic and operational considerations. The training was created with experts from the charity sector, including the Charity Commission for England and Wales, NCVO, Cranfield Trust, the Centre for Charity Effectiveness (Bayes Business School) and the Honorary Treasurers Forum and charity specialist Sally Knight.
Effectiveness of charity trustees in England and Wales
In 2017, Cranfield Trust initiated some research into Trusteeship, in partnership with the Charity Commission, Cass Centre for Charity Excellence, and NCVO.
Essential trustee guide (England and Wales)
The Charity Commission's guidance on what you need to know and do as a charity trustee.
Duties of a Trustee (England and Wales)
Six main duties of a trustee: summary of trustee guidance from The Charity Commission.
Essential Trustee Guide (Scotland)
OSCR's guidance and good practice for charity trustees.
Trustee priorities during a crisis
Cranfield Trust volunteer Stephen Cahill outlines what trustees should be focusing on at a time of crisis.
Blog: Trustee focus during a crisis
Trustee skills audit checklist
Download Cranfield Trust's checklist.
Top tips on charity governance
Cranfield Trust volunteer, Graham Colls, gives his advice on Desert Island Governance: top tips on governance from scratch.
Blog: Desert Island Governance
Trustees financial responsibilities and liabilities
Do your trustees know their financial responsibilities and liabilities? Cranfield Trust volunteer, Caroline Clark, shares her experience and knowledge.
Blog: Know your financial responsibilities and liabilities
Associations of Chairs
Support and training for Board Chairs
Financial governance for non-finance trustees
A gentle guide from Rathbones on financial governance for trustees.
Rathbones guide on financial governance for trustees (downloadable pdf)
Financial governance: A gentle guide for non-financial charity trustees
Getting on Board
Getting on Board has a range of services and resources to help plan and recruit new trustees.
Guide to trustee recruitment.
Reach Volunteering
Reach Volunteering provides a trustee recruitment service for charities, free of charge or at low cost.
Thinking about recruiting a trustee with digital skills? A blog from Reach's CEO, Janet Thorne, to guide you in recruitment.
Blog: Do I need a digital trustee?
Set up a charity (England and Wales)
Charity Commission guidance on setting up a new charity.
Charity Commission - step by step guide
Guidance from NCVO on setting up a charity.
Simple guide for setting up a charity
Choosing the right structure for your organisation.
Set up a charity (Scotland)
OSCR's guidance on establishing a new charity.
How to set-up a charity in Scotland