Unlocking the Power of AI for Charities
A Charity's Guide to AI, Its Benefits and How to Get Started
Design principles
A useful blog from CAST to help charities build better digital services.
10 digital design principles for charities
Digital skills
Annual report outlining a barometer of the state of digital skills across the voluntary sector.
Charity Digital Skills Report 2022
Digital tips for homeworking
A helpful webinar from ProMoCymru with digital tips to aid charities working remotely.
Watch webinar You will be re-directed to Youtube.
Digital Candle
Digital Candle offer free digital advice for charities through their extensive network of experts.
Find out more about Digital Candle
Interactive Advertising Bureau
Digital media (including social) is an existing capability, but the environment is constantly changing. One easy strategy for keeping in touch with emergent thinking is to join the Interactive Advertising Bureau who provide many free resources for advertisers and produce good quality events to keep abreast of current thinking.
Google Digital Garage
Google provides good overview resources on digital marketing (including digital strategy, social marketing, analytics, search, advertising) via one hour seminars at Digital Garage which will make for excellent priming resources for inexperienced team members and/or interns involved in any of the digital implementation. Google also offers one-to-one mentoring for small businesses and charities.
Meta (facebook/instagram), LinkedIn and TikTok also offer tutorials. There is a lot of overlap in the principles across all social platforms but the platform interfaces are clearly bespoke.
Improving Board oversight of Cybersecurity
Cyber governance focuses on a top-down approach to managing and mitigating risks associated with security concerns around the organisation’s use of digital technologies.
If your organisation is looking for board level support in this area, you could consider becoming members of CXB – Cyber Governance for boards. CXB advertise themselves as a not-for-profit forum, run by non-executives, for non-executives, including charity trustees.
Membership is free and their aim is to support individual non-executive directors to increase their knowledge, skill and confidence in cybersecurity via workshops and webinars, shared insights and mentoring schemes.
Find out more about CXB membership