It’s a huge honour for us and it’s fantastic to see so many small charities being recognised for the incredible work they do.

As well as being a small charity ourselves, our staff and volunteers supports and empowers thousands of charities every year – last year they shared their expertise and skills to over 5,000 organisations through our range of services.

Our clients are smaller voluntary organisations, typically run by experts in their services, but with few resources to develop management skills and capabilities. Through our pro bono services, delivered by our network of expert volunteers, we are able to help them to manage their resources and services effectively to address some of the most pressing social problems.

Being shortlisted for this award recognises the vital work of all small charities, that we support and strengthen and promotes the importance of good charity management. It also recognises the work of our fantastic volunteers, who give their time and expertise generously to support our client charities, sharing their time, management skills and expertise.

We’ll find out in September if we have won - keep your fingers crossed for us!

You can view the full shortlist here.

Registered Charity No: 800072 | Scottish Charity No: SCO40299 | Company No: 2290789 | Telephone No: 01794 830338
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